Surveillance in the New Security State
NEW: A Society Based on the Social Credit System is Closer Than You Think
NEW: COVID-19: The Emergence of the Pandemic Industrial Complex
NEW: This Biden Proposal Could Make the US a “Digital Dictatorship”
NEW: Rules As Code: Globalist AI Infrastructure For Global Governance
NEW: Bio-Barcodes: GMO Spores Hidden in Food to Track Supply Chain?
NEW: Global Study Shows IoT Growth in Cities Accelerated by COVID-19
NEW: The Global Deep State: A New World Order Brought to You by COVID-19
NEW: Biden Admin Introducing Orwellian Laws Far Beyond The Patriot Act The President Claims He Designed
NEW: Former Pfizer VP: Vax Passports May Lead To ‘Totalitarian Control’ Of ‘Entire Population Forever’
NEW: Corrupt Science and Elite Power: Covid-19 “Techno-Slavery” and the “Great Reset” Are Now Imminent
NEW: Dystopia Now! — Surveillance Through Vaccine Certificates, Digital IDs, and Biometric Data
NEW: New Documentary Reveals The Merging of Humans and Machines Is Here
Big Brother in Disguise: The Rise of a New, Technological World Order
The CBP Used COVID As An Excuse To Install Facial Recognition At 76 Airports
Newly Released White House Documents Reveal Efforts To Surveil Americans Using Contact Tracing Apps
Ecobank Nigeria Advocates Use of Artificial Intelligence to Predict Cybercrime
Conspiracy Theory Comes True as Pentagon Creates Implantable Microchip to Detect COVID