Ideology & The Great Reset (incl. Transhumanism)
NEW: Former Pfizer VP: ‘Eugenicists Have Got Hold Of The Levers Of Power’
NEW: The Great Reset Morality: Euthanization of the Inessentials
NEW: Leftists Proclaim Kids And Pets Are Bad For The Environment
NEW: New Documentary Reveals The Merging of Humans and Machines Is Here
NEW: ‘Brave New World’ of Embryos Grown Outside the Womb — It’s Closer Than You Think
VIDEO: Technocracy: Noted Film Maker Curtis Bowers Interviews Patrick Wood
Technocrats Everywhere: Central Bankers as Political Saviors
Beware the Transhumanists: How ‘Being Human’ Is Being Re-Engineered by the Elite’s Coup
How an Austrian and British Malthusian Brainwashed a Generation of Americans (I)
Keynes’ Sleight of Hand: From Fabian Eugenicist to World Government High Priest (II)
Counter-gang von Hayek Revives Mandeville’s Hellfire Club in the 20th Century (III)
Developers of Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Tied to UK Eugenics Movement
Klaus Schwab Says Great Reset Will Lead To Fusion Of Physical, Digital, And Biological Identity